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The Mobile Service Signature addon by Greytrix, seamlessly integrates with CRM, enabling Consultants to obtain approvals & actual Client sign-off.
To access details of a Job remotely, Consultants log into a Web Portal using their secure login & password where they can browse through listings of jobs, perform actions, close comments.
After the client signs off the work on mobile an email is sent to the client based on CRM details containing a signed-off job sheet PDF, details captured, and the client's own signature.
The feature is a clear record of the client's approval and signing off on the job done. The email is promoted as communication in CRM, attached to the Client and Job record.
Closure of comments, immediate job sign-off from devices with emailing of service signatures, immediate feeding of corresponding data in CRM ensures better planning opportunities.
Provides access to all the information needed to execute a service order from the initial order preparation to the documentation of the order execution.
Mobile Service Signature is compatible with Android devices like Tablets and Phones as well as on Apple devices like iPhones and iPads.
We help accountants and other finance professionals eliminate lease accounting errors that will lead to material misstatements through our CPA-approved lease accounting software and implementation process.
Our specialized lease accountants support our clients every step of the way towards compliance, ensuring minimal business disruption.
We work with clients like you to explore your options, document your challenges, and implement the right solutions for your business. Fill out this form, and one of our Blytheco Solutions Specialists will reach out promptly.